Hypnosis to Help You Quit Smoking

Even people who have tried for years to quit, are amazed at how simple it is to stop smoking once and for all with just a few hypnosis sessions.
In fact, a study by Dr. Joseph Barber of the University of Washington, Seattle, for example, found that hypnotic intervention can be integrated into a treatment protocol for smoking cessation. Of 43 patients who were undergoing the protocol, 39 were still smoke-free at their follow-up, which was 6 months to 3 years after the treatment ended.
Studies show that for people who try to quit smoking alone without any additional help or support (hypnosis or otherwise), the success rate is very low. Only 2-5% of those who try are successful after 12 months, with most failing in the first 2-3 weeks. On the other hand, those who engage in a behavior modification program, nicotine replacement, or a Zyban medication approach alone, average about a 25% success, rate and up to a 50% success rate when used in some combination with each other after a 12-month period.
While medical professionals are impressed with the results of single-session hypnosis, multiple-session hypnotherapy has been shown to be the most effective strategy for stopping smoking. Success rates for people using multiple-session hypnosis to quit are as much as 10 times the success rates of those who try to quit without any tools or resources. An examination of multiple research studies show that a single session hypnosis treatment to stop smoking produced about a 25% success rate, whereas about 66% of those engaging in at least 4-5 sessions of hypnosis quit smoking after a 6-12 month period.
Hypnosis Videos

Click here for a video of Ellen Degeneres having a session of stop - smoking hypnosis
Click here for an iPhone App that helps people to stop smoking.
ArticlesSmoking Cessation
Addiction vs. Habit
Click here for a video of Ellen Degeneres having a session of stop - smoking hypnosis
Click here for an iPhone App that helps people to stop smoking.
ArticlesSmoking Cessation
Addiction vs. Habit
Reasons to Stop Smoking

A lot of benefits can be derived if you quit smoking. Honestly, if you stop smoking, you will have good health and do better psychologically. During your years of smoking, you have abused your body system. The substances that comprise a single cigarette stick trigger the brain. This also affects the brain negatively. Smoking comes with a feeling of joy and a high. However, the aftereffects of smoking destroy the body system adversely. This could also be fatal. When you eventually stop smoking, you would have saved your body a lot of ailments and diseases such as cancer.
Many people have suffered ailments such as coughs as well as problems with breathing and sneezing. If you stop smoking, these ailments would be reduced by almost ten percent. Stopping to smoke also drastically reduces the risk of getting lung cancer and heart attacks. Just as I have mentioned earlier, there are many benefits to be derived psychologically if you stop smoking. The greatest of them is an increase in self-confidence. This shouldn’t be viewed as simple because it has proved to be challenging to most people. You are not going to be an exception.
Research has shown that people who smoke suffer from low sperm count and many other abnormalities. Women who are heavy smokers suffer from prolonged delivery; or worse still, they might end up having miscarriages. There is also a high probability that they will give birth to stillborn babies and premature babies. In fatal cases, the babies die just a few hours after being delivered.
Research has also shown that if a baby is brought up in a smoking environment, he or she can easily suffer cot death. If you have children and still smoke, you are only exposing them to contracting diseases like bronchitis and pneumonia. They can also suffer from asthma and end up becoming heaving smokers too.
You wouldn’t want to harm your family; it is therefore imperative that you stop smoking now!