Medical Acupuncture
Back when the world was young I learned to speak Mandarin Chinese, studied acupuncture in Canada and in China, worked for an extended period at the Vancouver General Hospital Pain Clinic, and was an acupuncture instructor at Vancouver Community College. ( If you have ever had acupuncture by a lay acupuncturist, there is a good chance I used to teach them ! )
I use the term "medical acupuncture" above, because a lot of people do "sexual acupuncture" or " cosmetic acupuncture". I don't even know what either of these phrases mean. ( If I did I guess I might be sexier and better looking ....)
Acupuncture is useful for a large number of medical conditions, but there is also a lot of foolishness written about acupuncture. Before going to see anyone about acupuncture you should have your medical conditions accurately diagnosed. ( I recall a patient who was once sent to me for acupuncture for treat his headaches. He had a brain tumor. Diagnosing the brain tumor was more important than just treating the symptoms. )