Information from a very prestigious medical journal about vaccinations. Here is a review article from a very prestigious medical journal about the current state of the art concerning Covid 19 vaccinations. For those who have been vaccinated it is a good reference. For those who are vaccine-hesitant, it gives all sorts of good ammunition to resist enlightenment.
New German study. What the side effects of various vaccines are
Here is a medical journal article that showed what the long term cardiac complications are following Covid 19
Here is an interesting video about Naturopaths in Australia
Some brands of "horny honey" being marketed to men are laced with Sildenafil ( Viagra) and /or Tadalafil (Cialis). And these ingredients are not listed on the label. Which means that men might have side dangerous side effects or reactions. For the full details click here.
And Maybe some anthropologists will get an idea of North American society by reviewing what prescriptions are written for the majority of people. It might be at least as edifying as the Consumer Price Index etc..
Click on the link here for an interesting graphic. And see where you stand. A lot of "vaccine hesitant" people are worried that the vaccine will harm them somehow. While that could theoretically happen, so far there is no evidence that this is so. The link here is mainly for physicians, but it shows ( with a detailed statistical analysis) that vaccinated people die a LOT less. The Vaccine - Death study. Click on the link to go to the study. Of course - as the authors of the study are careful to point out - this does not mean that the vaccine is preventing deaths. The difference is probably due to the fact that people who chose to get vaccinated are generally more health conscious. And that is why they die less. But on the bright side, the study is pretty good evidence that the vaccine is not killing people off !
Dr. Pat NesbittThis is just a patchwork of stuff that has recently come across my desk. Click on the RSS bit to get these updates email to you automatically. |